A set of crooked teeth can easily steal away your gorgeous smile whenever you feel like sharing it with the everyone. In due fact, you may be surprised to know that the benefits of having properly aligned teeth extend far beyond a confident smile. According to the American Dental Association, straightening your teeth can actually significantly affect your overall dental health.1 Think about it — a smile can hardly be perfect if it's not a healthy one. Fortunately, at Bangkok Smile Silom Branch, having a confident smile and reducing your risk for tooth decay and gum disease go hand in hand.

At Bangkok Smile Silom Branch, if you want straighter teeth but cringe at the thought of getting braces, there is an alternative. As a modern solution for improving your smile, Invisalign™ straightens your teeth through a series of clear trays molded specifically to fit your mouth. The best part is, you achieve a perfect smile without the appearance or discomfort that comes from having metal on your teeth.

Leading INVISALIGN® Provider

Our dental clinic is a leading Invisalign Teeth Straightening System provider in Thailand. Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled.

Types of Orthodontic Condition


Treatment Time: 6 months Aligners: 12 Upper, 7 Lower

6 Months

Generalized Spacing

Treatment Time: 14 months Aligners: 28 Upper, 16 Lower

14 Months

Lower Crowding, Upper Spacing

Treatment Time: 8 months Aligners: 13 Upper, 13 Lower

8 Months

Crooked Front Teeth

Treatment Time: 10 months Aligners: 19 Upper , 0 Lower

10 Months

Great Benefits of having Straight Teeth

Swollen, red gums can often be the result of having teeth that are crowded or too widely spaced. Unfortunately, these are also signs of periodontal disease. When teeth are properly aligned, it helps the gums fit more securely around the teeth, allowing for the strongest and healthiest defense against potential periodontal problems. That’s where Invisalign comes in. The comfortable and clear aligners gently and gradually begin to move your teeth into the proper position — without unsightly brackets and wires.

One of the biggest challenges of having braces is removing all the food that gets trapped in the brackets and wires. This can often lead to plaque buildup and eventually tooth decay. With Invisalign, the aligners are removable, so it’s easy to continue brushing and flossing your teeth the way you normally do.
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Think of your teeth as a window to the health of your body. Your teeth and gums — and how they look to others when you smile—say a lot about your overall health. If you're taking good care of both, you're probably taking good care of the rest of you.

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